Upload School 2024: la vostra opportunità musicale
Da sempre, UploadSounds si impegna ad offrire opportunità importanti ai giovani musicisti del territorio. Un nostro fiore all'occhiello, che confermiamo anche per il 2024, è il percorso formativo e di produzione musicale di Upload School, un'attività dedicata ai giovani musicisti che vogliono provare a muovere i primi passi nel complicato mondo della musica, settore dove a volte talento e passione non bastano, se non sono unite ad un buon livello di esperienza e formazione professionale.
Quattro anni di musica, laboratori, nuovi progetti e nuove canzoni ci hanno convinti di essere sulla strada giusta.
Scarica il regolamento dell'edizione 2024.
/ residenza e workshop
/ 17-19 maggio 2024 - School Music Production TN
con Cesare Petulicchio, Federico Dragogna e Johnny Mox
Upload School organizza una residenza musicale di tre giorni, dal 17 al 19 maggio 2024, con un coaching esclusivo in presenza al Molin de Portegnach di Faver (TN), e un successivo periodo di produzione a distanza con produttori esperti del panorama musicale italiano per 3 progetti musicali junior, formati da musicisti solisti o costituiti in band che siano residenti o domiciliati nelle Province autonome di Trento e Bolzano oppure in Tirolo e abbiano dai 14 ai 23 anni (la media di età della band deve essere al massimo di 23 anni).
Per partecipare è necessario leggere con attenzione il BANDO 2024 e inviare la propria candidatura, corredata di tutti i materiali richiesti, entro e non oltre le 23.59 del 3 maggio 2024, scrivendo all’indirizzo email school@uploadsounds.eu.
Durante il periodo di decorrenza del presente bando, saranno realizzati degli eventi di lancio e masterclass, alle quali tutti/e gli interessati potranno iscriversi per accrescere le proprie competenze e avere maggiori dettagli sui contenuti di quest’iniziativa.
Per scoprire il programma di lavoro scarica il BANDO 2024.
/ 02.10 - 24.11
with Stefan Penz, Julia Fischer, Bibiane Zimba, Baiba Dekena, Lisa Aumaier & GESH
We are delighted to present the UPLOAD SCHOOL workshop series in Tirol!
Join us in October & November at the new MusikBüro Tirol and learn more about music business & creativity from passionate professionals!
🎤 02.10.24 18:00 Artist booking with Stefan Penz / free of charge with registration
Would you like to have more concert opportunities and learn how to build a better network and connections with promoters and festivals? Join our workshop to get a general overview of the booking process in Austria - what to consider and how to generate more gigs!
🎤 09.10.24 18:00 Single, EP, album finished - and now what? Workshop with Julia Fischer / free with registration
The aim of the workshop on music marketing and PR is to teach basic strategies to help you promote your music effectively and place it successfully on the market. Participants will learn how to define their target group, build a strong brand, create press relations and use social media to make their music visible. Practical examples will provide them with valuable tools to increase their reach and achieve sustainable success in the music business.
🎤 16.10.24 18:00 Songwriting workshop with Bibiane Zimba
Do you have an idea for a song but don't know how to turn it into a finished piece? Or have you never written a song before and don't know how and where to start?
Whether you're an experienced songwriter or a newbie, this workshop will give you the tools and inspiration you need to bring your musical vision to life. In this workshop we will bring structure to your songwriting process. We will look at the possible structure of a song, harmonic accompaniment and chord progressions, writing exercises for idea generation and the basics of melody formation. At the end of the workshop, you may already have a finished song (lyrics) in your hand. In any case, you'll gain the confidence and the right tools so that nothing stands in the way of your songwriting routine.
🎤 23.10.24 18:00 Live Set & Performance Workshop with BAIBA
You've produced tracks and are ready to take the next step in your career and perform them live, but don't know where to start?
This workshop will give you a simple and practical overview of the technical possibilities and approaches you need to have when building your live set! We will look at practical solutions for your creative ideas, whether you want to play solo or in a band.
Besides the technical side, we will also discuss other components that are important to build a memorable, unique and high quality live performance!
🎤 23.11 & 24.11 10:00 - 18:00 Music production workshop with LITTLE ELEMENT & GESH
Are you a musician, songwriter, DJ and/or just want to try out recording your own song, producing beats and getting to know the basics of home recording?
Creativity is the focus of the Music Producing Weekend with LITTLE ELEMENT & Gesh! The idea is to spend a fun and productive weekend together as we work, learn from each other and explore all the talents and skills hidden within the group.
We will be working with Ableton Live, no prior knowledge is required.
This workshop series is a cooperation with MICA - music austria, Die Bäckerei Kulturbackstube & Musik BüroTirol.
Contact: tirol@uploadsounds.eu